Ultrasound: problems, developments, prospects
Physical bases of interaction of high-intensity ultrasound with matter.
Ultrasonic processing of gases, liquids and solids.
Influence of ultrasonic vibrations on deformation processes, defect structure and properties of metals and alloys, including amorphous and nanostructured materials.
The use of ultrasound for the intensification of technological processes.
Ultrasonic and acoustic emission methods of non-destructive testing of materials.
Ultrasonic processing equipment.
International Organizing Committee
Chairman: Mulyukov R.R. - Corresponding member of RAS, Professor, Doctor of Science (Ufa, Russia)
Organizing Committee:
R.I. Nigmatulin - Academician of RAS, Doctor of Science, Prof. (Moscow, Russia)
V.V. Klubovich - Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB), Doctor of Science (Minsk, Belarus)
Sviridenok A.I. - Academician of NASB, Doctor of Science (Grodno, Belarus)
Varyukhin V.N. - Corresponding member of NASB (Donetsk, Ukraine)
Ilgamov M.A. - Corresponding member of RAS, Doctor of Science (Ufa, Russia)
Psakhie S.G. - Corresponding member of RAS, Doctor of Science (Tomsk, Russia)
Rubanik V.V. - Corresponding member of NASB, Doctor of Science (Vitebsk, Belarus)
Abramov V.O. - Doctor of Science, prof. (Moscow, Russia)
Glezer A.M. - Doctor of Science, prof. (Moscow, Russia)
Zhilyaev A.P. - Doctor of Science (Ufa, Russia)
Imaev R.M. - Doctor of Science (Ufa, Russia)
Merson D.L. - Doctor of Science, prof. (Togliatti, Russia)
Mordyuk B.N. - Doctor of Science (Kiev, Ukraine)
Myshlyaev M.M. - Doctor of Science, prof. (Chernogolovka, Russia)
S.I. Platov - Doctor of Science, prof. (Magnitogorsk, Russia)
Khasanov O.L. - Doctor of Science, prof. (Tomsk, Russia)
Khmelev V.N. - Doctor of Science, prof. (Biysk, Russia)
Kholopov Yu.V. - Doctor of Science, prof. (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
Local organizing committee
Chairman: A.A. Nazarov
Secretary: V.M. Valitova
Accountant: E.S. Karpinskaya